2 Janvier 2016
Maintenant que c'est fait, parlons du plus important, mon avis sur cette petite pépite. J'étais déjà totalement fan, amoureuse, raide dingue de Daemon en ayant lu la saga Lux, mais alors là, je peux vous dire qu'il n'y a plus un millimètre de doute possible.
Daemon Black, pourquoi n'existe-tu pas en vrai ? Je doutais que ce soit possible, mais je suis carrément toute retournée par ma lecture. Je crois que c'est ma MEILLEURE lecture. Je n'ai jamais mis autant de post-it dans un livre. Je n'ai jamais été autant excitée à l'idée de tourner la prochaine page. Je n'ai jamais autant aimé re-découvrir une histoire d'un autre point de vue. Ca vous en dit long sur mon avis non ? Je vous préviens, je suis une totale guimauve. Avis à ceux qui n'aime pas ça, continuer la lecture de ma chronique est à vos risques et périls.
Jennifer L. Armentrout a vraiment un talent exceptionnel. Sans rires. Quand j'ai commencé ma lecture, dès les premières lignes, j'ai su que j'allais adoré ma lecture. Quelque part, on découvre totalement l'histoire du point de vue de Daemon. Tous les passages où dans Lux on se demande ce qu'il pense vraiment. Pourquoi est-ce qu'il agit comme ça, comment les choses vont évoluer. Là, on a toutes ses réponses. Leur première rencontre, sa façon de lutter contre ses sentiments. Les raisons qui le pousse à agir de façon aussi brèves et parfois légèrement cruelles avec Katy. Tout. On comprend tout. Et franchement, on ne peut que l'adorer après ça. Je pourrais vous citer tellement de passages où on voit les choses différemment du point de vue de Daemon, mais je ne voudrais pas vous gâcher cette belle découverte... Sachez juste que vous allez vous régaler.
Je crois que je ne vais jamais me remettre de cette série, ces personnages, Daemon... En écrivant ma chronique sur Oblivion (Oubli en vf), j'ai un pincement au coeur, en me disant que cette série s'achève totalement en beauté... même si je sais qu'à tout moment je peux relire tous les tomes, je me dis que cette série m'aura vraiment marqué. Plus que toutes les autres. C'est dur à expliquer. En fait, je pense que je pourrais en parler encore pendant des heures, en tournant clairement en rond pour vous expliquer en long, en large et en travers combien j'ai adoré cette lecture.
Première lecture de l'année 2016, premier coup de coeur. Coup de coeur à vie pour Oblivion (Oubli en VF) Confirmation de mon BookBoyFriend de tous les temps : Daemon Black. Et chapeau à Jennifer L. Armentrout qui m'emporte à chaque fois avec elle !
P. 48
"But my sister took my car keys until a play nice, I don't get them back. It's too damn annoying to get remplacements"
I started to grin, because the whole thing was ridiculous. It wasn't like I needed keys to get anywhere. not like this girl knew that. I made a mental note to text Dee as soon as possible.
She laughed. "She took your keys?"
The small grin slipped off my face as I returned to the side she was stading on. "It's not funny."
"You're right." She laughed again, and it was a nice laugh-throaty. Kind of sexy. "It's freaking hilarious."
I scowled at her. Of course, my keys were on the kitchen counter, but still, she could be more sympathetic to my plight.
"Do you... do you like Katy?"
Every single part of me locked up. My sister waited while a hundred diffirent responses ran through my head. Did I like her? What in the hell kind of question was that? I lowered my arms and sat up a little, throwing one leg off the bed.
I didn't look at my sister as I stood. "No."
"What?" she whispered.
"You heard me."
I opened my mouth and then closed it. Another moment passed and I lowered the remote. "I lied."
She turned to me. "About what?"
"The first question you asked." I didn't look at her as I shook my head, staring the list of the movies on the screen. "I lied, just a little."
I had a choice. Any second now I was going to lose control and the truck would continue its original path and barrel into Kat. Or I could edanger Kat and Dee and my race even more by exposing us. But at least Kat would still be alive, for however long she survived the Arum. I didn't hesitate un my choice.
Kay was seeing me for what I really was.
P. 181
Her wild gaze connected with mine, and she stilled underneath me, only hey chest rising and falling erratically. Neither of us moved for what felt like an eternity. Panic filled her gaze mingling with unshed tears.
That cut me. "I won't hurt you. I could never hurt you."
P. 235
"You have a such a mouth on you." I told her. "Do you kiss boys with that thing?"
Hey cheeks turned bloodred. "Do you kiss Ash with yours?"
"Ash?" My smile disappeared. "You would like to know that, wouldn't you?"
"Hello. Am I invisible?"
Frowning, I dragged my gaze away from Kat and looked at Ash. Hey eyes burned like sapphires. "How could you ever be invisible?"
Her lips curled up in a tight smile. "I don't know. I'm feeling like I am right now."
"Huh," I murmured, taking a drink of my milk.
The small smile faded. "Don't sound too concerned." she said drily. "Wouldn't want you to stress yourself out over there."
I didn't reply as I placed the carton of milk down and returned to...chapter oh-who-the-hell-cares? I lasted about three minutes before I looked up and was staring at Kat again. Just like last night.
Screw me.
"Too bad you're not going to see Kat in her dress since you're too cool to go to homecoming.
"I never said I wasn't going"
Dee plastered a blank look on her face. "You didn't? Huh. I was pretty sure you said something like..." She deepened her voice. "'I'd rather punch myself in the nuts then go to that stupid dance'Or something like that."
My lips twitched. "That was last year."
"When your were dating Ash."
I said nothing.
"So you're going to the dance?" she asked, flipping the long wavy black hair over hey shoulder. When I said noting, the blank look faded. "I bet you're going to that damn field party, too."
I smiled tightly. "What color is Kat's dess?"
Dee struggled to keep hey expression bland and failed. Hey eyes glimmered. "You're going to love it. That's all I'm going to say. You're just going to have to wait and see."
P. 260
There was no way I could stay home. Instinct was screaming that she was going to need me. Or it was a really messed-up territorial need to.. to do what?
Go in there, beat the crap out of Simon, and claim my girl?
P. 261
"Oh Mary, mother of baby Jesus," I muttered eyes narrowing.
Kat stood by the door, her hands clasped around a tiny clutch as her gaze bounced around the gymnasium nervously. The dress... aw man, that dress should be illegal. Tight around the breats and waist, then flowing over her hips like a river of crimson silk. Her hair was up, revealing a long, gracefl neck I'd never really noticed before. That was weird, because her hair was always up it seemed, but then again, that amount of cleavage was never showing before. Except she wore that bikini. Speaking of red...
That's right, Kitten, I thought, stay away from Simon. He so doesn't deserve to be in the same time zone as you.
P. 291
"Kat, I won't let him. Okay? I promise you. I won't let anything happen to you."
P. 293
"You're perfect for me," I whispered in my own language.
P. 321
But if I didn't stop now, I wouldn't stop ever. And even thought I was prone to moments of "great dickdom", as Kat would say, it wasn't right. Not under these conditions. Not on a freaking couch.
Not when her life was in my hands.
And I kept messing up with her. I was the one who traced her and led an Arum to her at the library. I was the one who pissed her off and all but chased her into a street. I was the one who exposed our kind. I was the one who was repeatedly putting her in danger.
So I said tge only thing that came to mind. The only thing a knew that could snap both of us back into a cold, harsh reality.
I forced my lips into the half smile I knew always got under her skin and said, "You're barely glowing now."